Monday, March 22, 2010

the vintage pearl.

I get alot of compliments on my necklace Brandon got me for my birthday. It's inscribed with Peyton's name on the front and her birthday on the back, it also has a little ruby hanging from it to symbolize her birthday month (july). I see them alot on celebrities and really wanted one for myself and was so happy to recieve one for my birthday :) You can get one at Isabelle Grace.

(obviously mine does not say Paloma but it's the same style :)

With that being said I found a website that makes me want another one, it's call The Vintage Pearl. Mine is mixed gold/silver, which is great because it's just what I wanted. But this website does their's in sterling silver. It's always nice to have options, right?

There are so many cute choices over there, LOTS of options. Take a looky...

I'm really thinking about getting my mom one for Mother's Day! Now that I think about it, she reads this regularly... so I hope you like it :)  AND as an added bonus for anybody interested, if you visit Erin's blog (the woman that creates these amazing little things) she has giveaways regularly and daily discounts that she provides.

Happy shopping :)

1 comment:

  1. Those are really cute. I like your style! ahhahaha It is so funny that the name of the website is isabella grace because that is my nieces name exactly.
