Wednesday, March 10, 2010

perfectly fabulous handwriting.

Remember I have a thing for fonts, typography, and handwriting? Well looky what I came across.

This artist has one of my new favorite handwritings! You can find her (I actually don't know if it's a woman, just assumed, sorry) stuff here.

Her site is call Neither Snow and she also has an etsy shop where you can purchase handmade things with her calligraphy on it :)

I was introduced to her through Blueprint Bliss which is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. Im pretty new to the blogging world but LOVE that there are alot of other people who blog about not only things that they love but also about the little things in their life that make them human.

I think I might just need to order something and have her send one to me just so I can have my own copy of her handwriting. So talented.

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