Monday, March 8, 2010

The truth about relationships

....well at least my relationship.

Regardless what you believe in or how you live you life, this is how mine has turned out. I happen to live with my best friend, and we are NOT married. It doesn’t mean we won’t one day but at the moment we are just fine where we are at.

And this is what I have come to realize about it:

-You fall asleep at separate times, with one still in the living room, and it no longer bothers you.
-You pass out 15 minutes into a movie on the couch.
-You eat a lot of chicken and pasta sides for dinner
-Sometimes you don’t brush your hair or even care to wear make-up
-You wash your hair on a necessary basis, only
-You kiss your boyfriend as often as you want, knowing you have morning breath; but you don’t care.
-You can have sex whenever and wherever you want, and sometimes you do, and sometimes you don't
-You are no longer afraid to slip a bodily function in front of one another.
-Sometimes you give up on daily shaving in exchange for weekly or even perhaps, biweekly (especially during pregnancy:)
-Sweat pants and a T-shirt start looking cuter and cuter the longer you've been together
-Staying at home and watching movies is more appealing than a night on the town
-You can’t change a man that is already set in his ways and if he wants to get up at 5am to blend a protein shake, he’s going to.
-You’ve had your fair share of arguments about leaving the toilet seat up, leaving the cap off the toothpaste, making the bed, arguing if you even like your bed made, and the temperature at which your loft is set at

And even though none of this seems all that glamorous, I wouldn't trade it for anything.... I love living with my best friend.


  1. It is so true, this is what makes a great relationship. Because if you can not be your self around them, then what fun is that? And really these things make you love each other that much more, because it is real! I am happy for you two, you really seem to be great for one another!

  2. Thanks Kin. It's nice to hear it from someone else :) It's crazy how wrapped up you get in life and you realize the things you thought would be important really aren't and instead it's the little day to day things that make you happy :)
