Monday, March 1, 2010

Under Construction

Yesterday, Brandon and I were driving home from my parents with a very sleepy baby in the back seat, and we had to drive through a bit of construction to get back to our lofts. And it dawned on both of us that at this very moment, our life, is completely under construction.

At work they painted our walls over the weekend. (if any of you had seen what this looked like before, you would understand why we needed our office painted, think 80's mauve :) On Friday I got to spend the day with the rest of my co-workers moving all of our office furniture and wall hangings to the very middle of the room. Our office looked a lot like a storage unit. On my way home from work I had to take a detour into Downtown Greenville because of different construction by the park. And this weekend we had to move everything into our kitchen/dining room in order to clear out our living room for the room renovations, MORE construction. It's causing Brandon and I to get little sleep and it's making me go just about insane! Ontop of that Peyton is not sleeping all that well at night either because she is teething. But she has 2 bottom teeth poking through!

(that would be the wall waiting to get a matching window. Those streaks down the right side are the now dried drips from the floor above :)

We are both very much looking forward to this loft project being finished and our lives to go somewhat back to normal. Oh and word on the street is, we might have snow, AGAIN, tomorrow. There was a sweet billboard in Virginia that would adequately describe our feeling towards this...."TO WHOEVER PRAYED FOR SNOW, THANK YOU VERY MUCH, BUT WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP NOW?"  We just keep telling ourselves only 3 more weeks til spring!

Hope you all had a good weekend!


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