Friday, September 18, 2009

Rockin' and Rollin' in Virginia Beach...

y aunt and uncle ran in the Rock 'n' Roll 1/2 Marathon in Virginia Beach over Labor day and we decided to meet up! I had never been to Virginia and decided to take little PK with us :) It was a 6 1/2 hour drive from Greenville but Peyton did great! She sleeps so well on car drives! I really wanted to put her feet in the ocean and see my aunt and uncle. I hadn't seen them in a really long time, and we always enjoy their company! Virginia Beach is gorgeous! I really liked it out there, hopefully we can go back soon. My aunt and uncle both ran together in the marathon and ran it in just over 2 hours. Im so proud of both of them! It made me realize that I would like to run in a marathon! I'm going to try to train for it, but I'm not that much of a runner. We'll see how it all works out!

just enjoying the slide :)
All smiles!
did Nana get into the lotion again?
With Aunt Jessica waiting for dinner!
We got stuck in a handicap room with only a shower, Peyton's first! This room had a terrible drain and it made our whole bathroom area flood! Not fun, thankfully they switched us to a different room the next night :)

Don't worry, mommy will get it for you :)
Yay! Congrats on finishing!

Putting her feet in the water for the first time :)
She didn't like it very much...
She was good once she was back in mommy's arms!
My Uncle Scott doesn't hold babies :) PK was a lucky lady!

Saying goodbye at breakfast in the morning :(
I just LOVE you sweetheart :)

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