Friday, September 18, 2009

Two Months

Dearest Peyton,

Today you are two months old. The time flies by way to fast! When people would tell us to enjoy “every second with her because you don’t realize how fast it goes”, they weren’t kidding. When we use to hold you as a “newborn”, you would curl up and fall fast asleep. Now, you're smiling at us, talking to us, and you are very alert; I love to watch you take everything in with wonder. You now can almost hold your own head up and love to stand tall on the table. You wake up with a smile and kick your feet with joy, ready for a new day of amazing things to learn. I love nothing more than to sit with you and watch you take everything in. As soon as you give us one of those wide mouthed smiles, daddy and my hearts just melt. Your personality is ever growing, and you show us new sides of you daily, I’m so glad we were entrusted to you! Our lives have changed so much in the past two months and I have already been changed as a person. Thank you, little one. You are our world. We love you so much.

mom and dad

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