Thursday, September 24, 2009

our beautiful 2 month old :)

Here are a few recent pictures of Peyton Elizabeth. She's the best thing that has ever happened to Brandon and I! We're so in LOVE with her. Those big baby blues, those little legs that curl up when she sleeps, the wide mouthed smile she gives to everyone, to the many different coos she lets out to make sure you know she's there; you just can't help but to be in love with her :)

We most definitely are :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

the BIG 4-9

Happy Birthday dad! It was my dad's 49th birthday this past Saturday, September 19th. We had surprised him at work with a cake and a special visit from my mom and Peyton and then met for dinner on his actual birthday at Rio Grille. Yum! Afterwards we went back to my parents for gifts and cake. My dad got the Wii Fit to go with all his other Wii toys. (he has many :)Overall I think my dad had a really great day :)

Fall in Greenville

Today marks the first day of fall! And there's no better place to be than Greenville to experience the changing leaves and other surroundings! This happens to be Brandon and my FAVORITE time of year! There's so many things to look forward to, Halloween, Pumpkin Patch, Thanksgiving, my birthday and if you live here, my personal favorite, Fall for Greenville. A great festival filled with really good food, lots of people, and great music. This will be my 3rd time going! Crazy I have been here that long! So looking forward to this season...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Smiles all around!

Peyton's been smiling for weeks but I can never get a good picture of it, thankfully Nana can always seem to get her smiling! She's such a happy baby! These smiles of hers just make with beam with pride that I'm her mommy! Here's a couple of my favorites:

Rockin' and Rollin' in Virginia Beach...

y aunt and uncle ran in the Rock 'n' Roll 1/2 Marathon in Virginia Beach over Labor day and we decided to meet up! I had never been to Virginia and decided to take little PK with us :) It was a 6 1/2 hour drive from Greenville but Peyton did great! She sleeps so well on car drives! I really wanted to put her feet in the ocean and see my aunt and uncle. I hadn't seen them in a really long time, and we always enjoy their company! Virginia Beach is gorgeous! I really liked it out there, hopefully we can go back soon. My aunt and uncle both ran together in the marathon and ran it in just over 2 hours. Im so proud of both of them! It made me realize that I would like to run in a marathon! I'm going to try to train for it, but I'm not that much of a runner. We'll see how it all works out!

just enjoying the slide :)
All smiles!
did Nana get into the lotion again?
With Aunt Jessica waiting for dinner!
We got stuck in a handicap room with only a shower, Peyton's first! This room had a terrible drain and it made our whole bathroom area flood! Not fun, thankfully they switched us to a different room the next night :)

Don't worry, mommy will get it for you :)
Yay! Congrats on finishing!

Putting her feet in the water for the first time :)
She didn't like it very much...
She was good once she was back in mommy's arms!
My Uncle Scott doesn't hold babies :) PK was a lucky lady!

Saying goodbye at breakfast in the morning :(
I just LOVE you sweetheart :)

Two Months

Dearest Peyton,

Today you are two months old. The time flies by way to fast! When people would tell us to enjoy “every second with her because you don’t realize how fast it goes”, they weren’t kidding. When we use to hold you as a “newborn”, you would curl up and fall fast asleep. Now, you're smiling at us, talking to us, and you are very alert; I love to watch you take everything in with wonder. You now can almost hold your own head up and love to stand tall on the table. You wake up with a smile and kick your feet with joy, ready for a new day of amazing things to learn. I love nothing more than to sit with you and watch you take everything in. As soon as you give us one of those wide mouthed smiles, daddy and my hearts just melt. Your personality is ever growing, and you show us new sides of you daily, I’m so glad we were entrusted to you! Our lives have changed so much in the past two months and I have already been changed as a person. Thank you, little one. You are our world. We love you so much.

mom and dad

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Madelyn Viet Poetker

She's here! Our friends Krista and Jason had their beautiful baby girl! She came a little over 3 weeks early on August 26th at 2:22pm weighing 6lbs, 10ozs and 18 3/4 inches long! We are so happy for them! Now Peyton has a new buddy to hang out with :)

She's so little! It's like holding Peyton after she was born, baby Maddie weighed the same and is only 3/4 of an inch shorter than PK was at birth!

my mom with new mom Krista and little Maddie. Congrats :)

the kazoo band...coming to a venue near you.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Miles and Peyton's 1st date!

It was love at first sight for one of them at least! Cat and Marvin's adorable son Miles Daniel met Peyton and I and Uncle Josh for mexican food the other day! I just LOVE their company and was really excited to see Miles again. I hadn't seen him since he was 10 days old, and oh how much he has changed. It just proves how fast both of our babies are growing up right in front of us. Sometimes I look at Peyton and think I have so much time before she's a big girl but then I look back at her newborn pictures and realize just how fast it's all going! But looking at both of them together was the cutest thing! It won't be long before they're running through the park together :)
This is where Miles realized girls have cooties.

Cat getting her hands on my squarmer! Peyton loves to "dance"!

Cat and I with each others babies...

So cute!

bamalama weekend...

We were able to finally make it out to Hoover, Alabama to see Brandon's family on August 30th. I LOVE it out there and wish we were able to go more! Brandon's MawMaw and PawPaw were able to meet their great grandaughter and spend some more time with us. I also was able to meet cousin Blair and her little cutie Harper. And we got to meet Joe for the first time and see Uncle Todd and Blaire! We had so much fun, even if it was a short visit. Hopefully we can figure out how to spend more time there next time :)
Peyton with her Mimi, MawMaw and auntie Taylor Ann.

With MawMaw and PawPaw

enjoying some time outside after the crazy rainstorm that lasted ALL weekend :(

so cute. Brandon laid her next to me and she just stared up at me and closed her eyes. I'm so happy brandon was able to catch this really cute moment!

Our family :)

Our family with Mimi!

Auntie Taylor Ann and her new favorite thing in the whole wide world

some quality mommy and me time. I really LOVE to have that the most and I never feel like I get enough of it now that I work again! This is one of my new favorite pictures, thanks TA!!