Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Brandon's BIG day.

A BIG Happy Birthday to my main man :)
Brandon's birthday also happened to fall on Superbowl Sunday this year and my sister was in town from Australia with her boyfriend Keith. It was a pretty eventful day to say the least. I kept asking him what he wanted to do and my answer was a typical Brandon answer "whatever, I don't care." So I took whatever as you get a dinosaur birthday cake and I'm going to make you wear a birthday hat and a light up button. :) Next time you might want to tell me what you want to do for you birthday Mr. Man.

I hope everyone had a great day with the ones they love, I know I did!
xoxo, sarah

1 comment:

  1. Very Cute! I love that cake! hahahahaha it seemed like a cute fun little birthday.
