Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Baby Shower in Arizona!

Since I haven't lived in South Carolina for all that long my mom decided it would be good to have 2 baby showers! One in Greenville and one back home in Peoria, Arizona. It was also a chance to get Brandon out west since he had never been and to have him meet all my girlfriends and family there. The shower turned out amazing thanks to my mom, Cheryl and Kim! They put in so much hard work! Since I'm not a fan of everything being pink just because it's a girl, they did an awesome job of incorporating lots of purple :) Unfortunately Kim couldn't make the shower because she was in the hospital having her BABY!! Overall there were many people there and lots of kids, but also lots of good food and family and friends. We all had so much fun making onesies for little Peyton. The shower was so much fun! Thanks mom, Cheryl and Kim :)

Angie hanging some of Peyton's new outfits :)

Tasha and her girls! Amara and Milla :)

All the yummy food :)

so cute! They have my face on them!

my mom and Caroll. So excited she could make it with Morgan, Dakota and Ben! They drove in from California for the baby shower:)

Nikki even made it with Paxton :)

Hannah Jane!

This game was so cute! Kim made it and it was a matching game with all the words associated to pregnancy or childbirth. The prizes were all candy bars whose names matched what you would be feeling! Like Labor and Delivery was a Rocky Road bar :)

Dad making his "papa's girl" onesie :)

Aj's excellent onesie making skills! I can't wait for our daughters to meet and grow up together

The ladies. I've known all these women for quite some time!

best friends since the 8th grade :)

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