Thursday, July 30, 2009

and baby makes three...

She's here! She came 10 days early! We are so excited to finally be a family and have her here!! It's been so nice having her at the loft instead of being at the hospital. The first few nights took some getting used to, but we're starting to get on a schedule. She already has so much personality and makes my heart melt just looking at her :)
holding my daughter for the first time :)
daddy and his baby girl

Peyton Elizabeth after getting cleaned up!

where's mommy? im getting hungry...

Nana and Papa with their girl :)


Peyton Elizabeth King
born on July 16th, 2009
at 4:31 in the morning
weighing 6lbs, 10ozs
and an adorable 19.5 inches

Thursday, July 9, 2009

a bed on wheels?

It seems it doesn't matter what we do or get, if it's meant for Peyton than the girls think it's theirs :) That includes the stroller! Now that the car seat is waiting to be used and sitting next to the hospital bags, it has left some extra room in the stroller. We have even tried to put other things in it so that they can't jump into it, but they find a way! It has become a very comfortable bed for them! Especially Codie, she has claimed it as her own. We tried to take them for a walk around the loft hoping it would freak them out, nope, it only made them more excited to be in it! I guess we really do have a couple of babies on our hands...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


We were lucky to have such a nice ultrasound technician who allowed us to come back for a second 3D! Little did we know until we went into the first one that it's completely up to the baby on whether the scan will turn out or not. And with my luck, my daughter would be stubborn just like me! Plus they are kind of expensive so it was nice to get our money's worth. Unfortunately she was in the same spot but Beth was able to get a few more shots for us and she measured her. She actually changed Peyton's due date from the 26th to the 22nd! We'll see what Peyton decides to do here in the next couple weeks. Im getting so anxious! I know everyone tells me that I will miss being pregnant, I get it, but I really just want to be one person again. I feel like I don't remember what it was like to be not pregnant anymore! My ankles used to swell after a day at work, now, even on the weekends, they will swell if I'm on them for more than an hour. It's too hot and humid to be this pregnant! Plus my car currently does not have air conditioning and only has one working window, you can imagine how nice it feels in there while driving! I guess I really shouldn't be complaining though, Im not as big as some pregnant women get and I can still bend over and I don't waddle yet. But regardless, I haven't had a full night's rest in weeks and these last few days has been mere hours. I should just get used to it, Peyton will have me on the same schedule, i'm sure :)

we got the stroller :)

As a gift from Robin for her granddaughter we got the stroller! Thank you Robin!! It's all coming together now, we have just about everything and are now just waiting on her :) I will post pictures of the nursery soon!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Greenville baby shower!!

We had our Greenville baby shower on June 13th! We all had so much fun :) Everyone from work was able to make it out with their significant others as a co-ed shower as well as Brandon's family from Birmingham, AL! We even had family travel in from Indiana! It was great to have all the family out to celebrate Peyton's arrival, including all the grandparents together for the first time! We had everyone designing onesies at this shower to, including some very cool tye-dye ones courtesy of Laura and the twins :) My mom put frames up all over the house that had pictures of both B and I as babies so people could see what Peyton might look like as well as pictures from her ultrasounds. Although I had ALOT of dark hair at birth everywhere, little Peyton could come out as a blondie :)

The food was all homemade by moms and my dad was king of the grill that Saturday! Delicious! Mike even surprised us with one of his infamous coconut cakes that I LOVE! You really need to try it to understand just how good it is! Such a great shower! Thank you mom for 2 amazing showers! You really outdid yourself :)

The bottom picture of Brandon cracks me up, we noticed that his genius skills came as a baby! Look at those rings, that's the order their suppose to be in, right ;)

Todd didn't even measure or even look at me, he just sat at the table and unrolled the tape. He was dead on, the exact same size! Nicely done!

Such a cute cake

Brittany and Kevin making Peyton her onesies :)

Enjoying Mike's company! This would be the man to look for when your in the mood for coconut

Yep, he cut directly in the middle of the cake!

Robin made it in from Alabama for the shower!

With her boys :)

Laura with Kaitlin and Rachel making the very cool tye-dyed onesies

My other prego buddy Cat and BK eating their meals

Uncle Todd!

My Aunt Rose and cousin Sam made it in from Indiana along with my Uncle Matt :) So happy they got to visit even if it was only for a short while. Uncle Josh was there too!

Kaitlin, Bryan and Jason hanging out. This was probably most of these guys first baby shower :)

Thank you both so much for everything!!

the sweet arizona desert...

I love Arizona! Everything about it just reminds me of home. It doesn't matter where I go I always compare it to the desert. Although our trip was very quick (only a few days) we were still able to get a lot done in a short amount of time. Brandon was able to see where I grew up during high school and my first job. (Top Shelf!) The day before we left we were able to take B up through Jerome and Sedona to show him some of our favorite spots in all of Arizona. It's so beautiful up there! It just made us both really excited about showing Peyton around Arizona when she gets older :)

You have to get it wherever you can :)

Beth couldn't believe that Kim and I were both pregnant and about to have babies so close together!

B thought he was so cute by placing my moms favorite, a heart, on his stomach :)

Kim was 37 weeks here and I was 31. She ended up having little Hayden that night!

In Sedona! My favorite :)

the night before we left, Kim was there with little Hayden after bringing him home for the first time!

so adorable! It didn't matter how many times we pulled that little wedgy out, it just kept coming back!

In Jerome, which is a ghost town built up in the hills. There is one main road in the town that you have to use to get in and out and it's steep and on a hill! But when you get into downtown it's so cute and worth the crazy little road!

at Sunset Point which is really just a rest stop but it's on a cliff that overlooks a beautiful valley and the old road is down there that was used for the carriages back in the day:)

Baby Shower in Arizona!

Since I haven't lived in South Carolina for all that long my mom decided it would be good to have 2 baby showers! One in Greenville and one back home in Peoria, Arizona. It was also a chance to get Brandon out west since he had never been and to have him meet all my girlfriends and family there. The shower turned out amazing thanks to my mom, Cheryl and Kim! They put in so much hard work! Since I'm not a fan of everything being pink just because it's a girl, they did an awesome job of incorporating lots of purple :) Unfortunately Kim couldn't make the shower because she was in the hospital having her BABY!! Overall there were many people there and lots of kids, but also lots of good food and family and friends. We all had so much fun making onesies for little Peyton. The shower was so much fun! Thanks mom, Cheryl and Kim :)

Angie hanging some of Peyton's new outfits :)

Tasha and her girls! Amara and Milla :)

All the yummy food :)

so cute! They have my face on them!

my mom and Caroll. So excited she could make it with Morgan, Dakota and Ben! They drove in from California for the baby shower:)

Nikki even made it with Paxton :)

Hannah Jane!

This game was so cute! Kim made it and it was a matching game with all the words associated to pregnancy or childbirth. The prizes were all candy bars whose names matched what you would be feeling! Like Labor and Delivery was a Rocky Road bar :)

Dad making his "papa's girl" onesie :)

Aj's excellent onesie making skills! I can't wait for our daughters to meet and grow up together

The ladies. I've known all these women for quite some time!

best friends since the 8th grade :)