Saturday, January 30, 2010

6 months

Wow. I can't believe she's already 6 months old. It's hard to believe my little pumpkin is now sitting up on her own, eating food, and babbling out sounds that almost make out words!
New Stats: weight: 14.5 lbs. (27th percentile)
length: 25 1/2 inches (40th percentile)
head: 17.2 inches (80th percentile) - big noggin!

Likes: mommy and daddy, eating, story time, attention, kitty cats, Molly (her dolly), baby einstein, disney movies, her pacifier, any toys with noise and smiling.

Dislikes: nap time and not getting enough attention.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah she is soooooooooooo cute! I love her little head band! Is it so much fun to have a baby?

    Its funny to think that 4 years ago we were living in down town LA! And now you are on the complete opposite side of the country! I am so glad to follow your blog now! This will make my life so much more fun! ahhaha just kidding. But seriously I am so happy to be able to see more pictures and stories!
