Saturday, January 30, 2010

6 months

Wow. I can't believe she's already 6 months old. It's hard to believe my little pumpkin is now sitting up on her own, eating food, and babbling out sounds that almost make out words!
New Stats: weight: 14.5 lbs. (27th percentile)
length: 25 1/2 inches (40th percentile)
head: 17.2 inches (80th percentile) - big noggin!

Likes: mommy and daddy, eating, story time, attention, kitty cats, Molly (her dolly), baby einstein, disney movies, her pacifier, any toys with noise and smiling.

Dislikes: nap time and not getting enough attention.

Miles and Peyton

Peyton and I decided to pay Miles, Cat and Marvin a little visit. Of course it took 2x as long to get there because I got lost (didn't this happen last time?). But I LOVE their company and was willing to get lost to see them! Florence (Cat's mom) gave Peyton a beautiful blanket to play on that she made, and we all got to watch little Miles and Peyton interact together. Peyton loved to grab Miles' ears and play with his jeep toy. I think she was MUCH more into him than he was her. Just give it time kiddo, it'll be the other way around soon :)

Miles really didn't want Peyton in his jeep! He was okay with her around him and playing with his other toys, but not his Liberty Renegade :) He's getting so big! Hard to believe they're both already 6 months old!

Ala-FREAKIN-bama (with my Talladega tan)

We went to Alabama new years weekend to celebrate a belated Christmas with Brandon's side of the family. We started the trip at Lloyd's on Friday night, he made us Ah-MAZE-zing ribs and we watched some of the bowl games. Obviously, none of them matter except the national championship (Roll Tide Roll :) but it was nice to watch all of them since its always something that's on in the background at my parents' house on New Years. It was my first new years away from them, but I'm glad we all went to Hoover for the weekend. Saturday we went to Robin's house and all had dinner at Sumo's. Yummmmmm. We went there the first time I ever went to Alabama to meet Brandon's family, I didn't think it could get better, but I think it did this trip :) This trip went by even faster than all the other ones but so nice to go and see everyone!

Brandon and Todd with PK.

Peyton was just learning to sit up by herself!!

Grandpa's sidekick :)

What are these? oooh I can reach these. HAHA

Grandpa Lloyd with PK

The family on January 2nd.

Brandon as usual :)

Taylor Ann and Justin :)

before dinner at Sumo's

the foursome waiting for our table.

so entertained by the fire and the chef

the group at Sumo's
mommy and PK
I know it's been a long time since my last post, but Im really going to try to update this thing regularly! :) hopefully....