Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Update...'s been awhile! I have been uber busy with everything and kind of put this thing on the furthest back burner there is. I want to update more regularly and have decided to completely re-do the blog!

When is this going to happen you ask? Well, I'm not entirely sure but changes are in the works for the King-Vondrasek's :) Peyton will be one in less than a month and Brandon and I are celebrating 2 years together as well!

Just to update you all pretty quick:
-Peyton has been walking since she was 9 months old!
-Peyton now can run.
-Brandon, Peyton and I got to make it to Alabama to see his family and take Peyton to her first baseball game!
-She says "da-da", "hi", sings "lordy lordy", and LOVES to say "uh-oh" when something drops or falls. We've heard "mama" a few times but not as much, little stinker!
-Still refuses to hold her own bottle when being fed.
-LOVES any kind of food, I mean anything! Peyton is not picky what-so-ever!
-Brandon shaved his mountain man look.
-Peyton was in the hospital a couple weeks ago after stepping on glass and needed foot surgery :( She started walking back on it 2 days later :)
-Got to spend Memorial day weekend with my best friend Brittany who I never get to see anymore since she moved to Charlotte
-My grandma and cousins came in from Chicago for a visit!
-We took Peyton to the zoo for the first time, and we happen to have 90% humidity that day, not a whole bunch of fun let me tell you, but Peyton was a trooper about the whole thing!
-Our Phoenix friends, Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Mike came in for a visit!
-We took everyone to the Biltmore for Father' Day! (Also a very hot, humid day.)
-Anxiously planning Peyton's first birthday party!

Whew! Mix in there lots of work and overtime and you can understand what's been going on in our lives! I want to update you guys more on the little things as well but they are going to have to wait for right now! Here's a few recent pictures to leave you with :)

Until next time,