Sunday, August 23, 2009

she's one month old :)

Here's a few snapshots of our precious one month old!
We're just in LOVE :)

Poor girl was out for the day after her appointment where she had her shot :( Not an easy thing to see when your a new mommy, very emotional!

Peyton's one month! She had her doctors appointment last week and is doing really well! Her new stats are 6 lbs 11 ozs and 20.75 inches long. She's slowly gaining in the weight department and the doctor has us supplementing formula after every feeding with special 24 calorie formula. Poor girl is a month and already on weight gainers! She now comfortably fits into newborn clothes and doesn't mind being changed into a new outfit :)

Likes: being held, being swaddled, bathtime, her nana, going to the doctor's office, tummy time, her pacifier, being outside and falling asleep on mommy's chest

Dislikes: getting her diaper changed, going into her car seat, falling asleep on her own, being in her car seat if it's not moving, and she hates to be woken up! (she has to wake up on her own :)

It's been so fun this past month getting to know her! She has such personality already, I can only imagine what she will be like as she gets older! Like when she sneezes, it's not just once, she has to sneeze at least 3 times in a row! And she wakes up in such a good mood and just wants to look around and explore! I can just sit there for hours holding her, whether she's sleeping or awake, not good for me because I don't get much done, but they're only this small for a short time and I want to enjoy every bit of it :)

Peyton LOVES to have her bath as long as she has a wash cloth over her little body for warmth! She's so cute afterwards in her towel, so content, and so cuddly afterwards. I LOVE being a mom! and am not looking forward to going back to work when I will miss all these mommy moments, thankfully she won't be far from me, only at nana's house :)

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