Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The end.

So if anybody is still reading this you can probably tell I gave this one up. I know, quitter. BUT I do have something better.


I felt like a whole new URL, new look, and new me would be better in the long run. What do you think?

I think so too.

So hop on over there to get caught up on my life and Peyton and things that make me happy :)

It's been fun, adios.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Update...'s been awhile! I have been uber busy with everything and kind of put this thing on the furthest back burner there is. I want to update more regularly and have decided to completely re-do the blog!

When is this going to happen you ask? Well, I'm not entirely sure but changes are in the works for the King-Vondrasek's :) Peyton will be one in less than a month and Brandon and I are celebrating 2 years together as well!

Just to update you all pretty quick:
-Peyton has been walking since she was 9 months old!
-Peyton now can run.
-Brandon, Peyton and I got to make it to Alabama to see his family and take Peyton to her first baseball game!
-She says "da-da", "hi", sings "lordy lordy", and LOVES to say "uh-oh" when something drops or falls. We've heard "mama" a few times but not as much, little stinker!
-Still refuses to hold her own bottle when being fed.
-LOVES any kind of food, I mean anything! Peyton is not picky what-so-ever!
-Brandon shaved his mountain man look.
-Peyton was in the hospital a couple weeks ago after stepping on glass and needed foot surgery :( She started walking back on it 2 days later :)
-Got to spend Memorial day weekend with my best friend Brittany who I never get to see anymore since she moved to Charlotte
-My grandma and cousins came in from Chicago for a visit!
-We took Peyton to the zoo for the first time, and we happen to have 90% humidity that day, not a whole bunch of fun let me tell you, but Peyton was a trooper about the whole thing!
-Our Phoenix friends, Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Mike came in for a visit!
-We took everyone to the Biltmore for Father' Day! (Also a very hot, humid day.)
-Anxiously planning Peyton's first birthday party!

Whew! Mix in there lots of work and overtime and you can understand what's been going on in our lives! I want to update you guys more on the little things as well but they are going to have to wait for right now! Here's a few recent pictures to leave you with :)

Until next time,

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm in love... the kind that makes your heart skip a beat, the kind where you can't sleep or eat, even the kind that gets you beaming with excitement for what's in store for the day. The kind that makes you think about how many outfits you can get your daughter to wear in a day.., wait you don't all have that love too? Well if you had Peyton's closet, I'm sure you would have that love! This love comes from a special place, a place that has been bottled up for some time and the object of this new found affection lies with this... my new baby!

my very own Nikon D5000... someone pinch me because I have to be dreaming!

I have been wanting one forever it seems and meant to buy one while I was still pregnant. Well she's going to be 9 months in a couple weeks, better late than never, right? :) I'm still figuring out how to use one of them again, not that high school was that long ago but I think I may have put it on the farthest back burner there is. I have enrolled in classes at the local community college so I should be up and running with some groovy pictures in no time!

And about that photoshop Joshua? It looks like I will be needing that sooner rather than later. Thanks!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

mimi in atlanta.

It's been a pretty crazy few weeks! Between all the loft remodeling and Peyton's teething, Brandon and I have been going on little sleep and short nerves. But in between all of this we had a chance to visit with Brandon's mom for the day! We didn't have the time to drive all the way to Birmingham so we met at a half way point, Atlanta. If you've never been to Atlanta, then you must! It really is a great city :) BUT it's also pretty nerve racking being there, roads go in every direction, people drive in every direction, and people have mastered the art of switching 6 lanes of traffic in just a few seconds. And to sum it all up, driving with Brandon through all of this is probably the most nerve racking, because if he doesn't know exactly where he is going then he is going to ask you every few seconds :)

Peyton is such a trooper! She slept through the entire trip, THANK GOD! It made her in a very good mood for Mimi and Joe :)

I wish the visit could have been longer but we'll take whatever we can get! We also found out that Peyton LOVES to stick her hand in the water and swish it around. And she LOVES whip cream. Really LOVES it.
We even had the chance to ride on the train, hehe.

And we saw this crazy ride you can pay to ride while at the mall. Well I don't really know if it's considered a ride but it's worth mentioning. It feels like we are running out of things to do for fun so we've come up with the idea to put a child in a blow up ball and have you run in it in a pool of water...kid you not. Really? I feel bad for Peyton as she gets bigger, these are her options. Well here's to being a hamster kiddo.

We are seriously thinking about making this at least a monthly thing so that Peyton can see her Mimi more :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

the vintage pearl.

I get alot of compliments on my necklace Brandon got me for my birthday. It's inscribed with Peyton's name on the front and her birthday on the back, it also has a little ruby hanging from it to symbolize her birthday month (july). I see them alot on celebrities and really wanted one for myself and was so happy to recieve one for my birthday :) You can get one at Isabelle Grace.

(obviously mine does not say Paloma but it's the same style :)

With that being said I found a website that makes me want another one, it's call The Vintage Pearl. Mine is mixed gold/silver, which is great because it's just what I wanted. But this website does their's in sterling silver. It's always nice to have options, right?

There are so many cute choices over there, LOTS of options. Take a looky...

I'm really thinking about getting my mom one for Mother's Day! Now that I think about it, she reads this regularly... so I hope you like it :)  AND as an added bonus for anybody interested, if you visit Erin's blog (the woman that creates these amazing little things) she has giveaways regularly and daily discounts that she provides.

Happy shopping :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mr. Craigslist

He called back. THANK GOD. And it's still available. Saturday my dad and I will be making a little trip to go see this. Isn't she a beaut?

I don't really know just yet if I'm going to leave her as is, or give her a new paint job. What do you think?

Lovely Thursday.

Well not really. It's raining...again. This state has had more rain in the past year than it has in decades. It can stop now, that's for sure. But with all the rain it has made my head start spinning with all these ideas, which is a good thing. Currently these things have been on my mind a lot lately and if I could swipe my credit card and not have to worry about a bill later, I would. But I do have to worry about that bill so instead I will post them to make myself feel better.

The things of late:

This Jaye Zebra black ottoman tray on sale at One King's Lane.

This Animal Parade Cupcake kit from Meri Meri.

This blue clutch from Eden's Wake Etsy shop

This book from Amazon by Cally Blackman

This dress from Asos

These glass jars from ZGallerie

And this photograph as a wall canvas from Peter Lik

Since I know there's no way I'm swiping my credit card for the above photograph I will just have to enjoy it this way. I am also waiting to hear back from Mr. Craigslist to see if they have the secretary desk that I really want. More to come on that if it's a go. Hope everyone else's Thursday is going as groovy as mine :)