Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sorry for the delay....

I know it's been over a month since I last updated this thing and Im sorry! Between our trip to Arizona, getting situated back at work, getting ready for the holidays, getting in extra time at work, taking care of a baby, not having internet at the loft and well just being exhausted, it's been a little difficult to do anything else. Im trying to look for new backgrounds and fonts to change the blog and I have more than a few entries I want to post from my trips. Stay tuned....

xoxo sarah

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fall for Greenville!

Fall for Greenville took place last weekend and I took Peyton for her first time! I was only able to go on Saturday but I met up with my mom, dad and Josh and then we all met up with Krista, Jason and baby Madelyn. The weather was actually nice for a change. Greenville has had so much rain lately that the skies finally opened up and let the sun in :) They had all my favorites back this year with City Range's Dr. Pepper kabob, Smoke on the Water's Jack Daniel's Chocolate Pecan Pie, and Barley's All American. They even introduced funnel cakes this year, which I have no doubt will be back next year after how long the lines got! Who doesn't love a good funnel cake? I wish Brandon could have gone, but our work schedules never seem to give us both the same days off. I'm happy that we all could get together and go, definitely one of my favorite things about the fall :)

they were not as impressed as we were...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Happy Halloween!

bahahahahaha...too cute!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

PK and her toys

the way this kid sleeps!

She doesn't always love her tummy time, but we do it anyway :)

She loves her neptune ocean mat that Uncle Josh got her, she loves the octopus at the very top and smiles and laughs at it! too cute!

And if Baby Einstein is playing in the background, it's not long before she's out! It must be tough to be Peyton... :)

Granddad and Sloan visit :)

Brandon's dad and fiance Sloan came into town to meet little Peyton! They fell in LOVE with her :) Unfortunately Brandon had to work all day Saturday and it was raining on and off but we still made it downtown to show them around. Downtown Greenville is a pretty awesome place to go to if you've never been, there's so much to do here. All the cute restaurants to eat at and little boutiques to walk through, as Lloyd and Sloan found out, you can't help but love it! Sunday we made it back downtown to watch a little football and get some coffee before they had to get back to Alabama. It was a really short visit but thankfully the skies cleared up on Sunday and gave us a beautiful day! We're so glad they were finally able to meet our little princess and spend some time with us!


Such a smiley baby!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

our beautiful 2 month old :)

Here are a few recent pictures of Peyton Elizabeth. She's the best thing that has ever happened to Brandon and I! We're so in LOVE with her. Those big baby blues, those little legs that curl up when she sleeps, the wide mouthed smile she gives to everyone, to the many different coos she lets out to make sure you know she's there; you just can't help but to be in love with her :)

We most definitely are :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

the BIG 4-9

Happy Birthday dad! It was my dad's 49th birthday this past Saturday, September 19th. We had surprised him at work with a cake and a special visit from my mom and Peyton and then met for dinner on his actual birthday at Rio Grille. Yum! Afterwards we went back to my parents for gifts and cake. My dad got the Wii Fit to go with all his other Wii toys. (he has many :)Overall I think my dad had a really great day :)